What scores should I focus on?

It's not unusual that while analyzing the results from your study or sharing them with your team, you need to know what the most important scores are to focus on. How should you approach the data in order to determine what stim rated well or poorly with respondents? 

We've created this guide with some tips to better analyze your results, so you can interpret them in a focused manner, and know which of your ideas should be prioritized. 

How do I approach my results?

In order to know how to approach the results of your study, it is recommended to go back to the Research Request / Study Brief / Research Protocol from when you started your study. What was the original intention of the study? What questions does the business need answering? How will the information be used to inform decisions? By reviewing the initial request, you will likely be able to find the Action Standards or Forward Actions, or Research and Marketing Objectives to help prioritize your analysis.

Based on these Action Standards and/or the Marketing Objectives, you will be able to define what Key Performance Indicators and what audience segment(s) are most important to you. 

What Zappi metric should I focus on?

Below are some examples of what Key Zappi metric(s) to focus on depending on your Actions / Objectives (note: these will depend on your Research Objectives as well as your chosen methodology as metrics will differ across Zappi tools).

Action / Objective Key Zappi metric
Increase consumer base/ Increase short term sales Behavior Change in current non-consumers (e.g. Purchase the Product, Visit the Website, …)
Increase brand relevance Relevance in both current users and non-consumers
Brand Feeling in both current users and non-consumers
Attribute: For someone like me, Brand I trust, For my family 
Gain market share Substitutability, Behavior Change in Competitive User
Brand Feeling in Competitive User
Strengthen current consumer loyalty Overall Appeal in Current Consumer
Brand Feeling and Brand Linkage in Current Consumer
Optimize stim Likes & dislikes, Suggested improvements
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