Volumetric Forecasting through Woxi

Woxi and Zappi are partnering to connect consumer insights with instant sales predictions, so our customers interested in volumetric forecasting can benefit from a better experience and always on, connected insights.

What is Woxi

Woxi is a modern, agile predictive analytics platform for today’s innovation decision makers. It offers:

  • An industry-leading framework focused on what matters most: the universal drivers of innovation sales.
  • Innovation performance benchmarked to actual, in-market launches.
  • Novel, flexible forecasting approach meeting you at every step from size-of-prize to launch. 
  • Unlimited usage model that unlocks predictions and “what-if” scenarios on every initiative in your pipeline at a fraction of today’s cost.
  • Instantaneously updated sales predictions with each new consumer insight and marketing activity change.

The Woxi Framework

The Woxi Framework is an industry-leading framework focused on what matters most: the universal drivers of innovation sales. The framework is composed of seven universal drivers of sales that give innovators the granularity of understanding to make better innovation decisions and the granularity to forecast with high precision at every step of the process​.

Zappi innovation research contains measures that directly impact sales. These are seamlessly fed into the Woxi platform and automatically mapped to the relevant driver of its prediction framework.

How do Zappi insights inform the Woxi framework?

The Woxi and Zappi product teams have aligned the research protocols for several Zappi services to ensure the best mapping between measured consumer insights and Woxi’s framework.

For instance, Activate It, which helps you identify concepts with the highest activation potential and learn how to make them even better, contains several key measures that are directly related to drivers in the Woxi framework:

  • The reach of the Problem that the innovation tackles is measured through the question Relevance of Problem: 'Thinking about products like this one, how much do you either need or want this type of product?'
  • The strength of the Solution brought by the innovation is measured through the question Advantage: 'How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: [concept name] is better than other products currently available?'

Other questions can tackle aspects such as incrementality, ad recall, or other elements that drive sales, depending on the service type and the research objectives.

The Zappi solutions that inform the Woxi framework are:

  • Screen It
  • Activate it Early
  • Activate It
  • Optimize Pack
  • Optimize Price
  • Amplify Early Idea
  • Amplify Storyboard
  • Amplify TV & Digital

The Woxi Ready Partner Program

The Woxi Ready Program was built as the first ecosystem of research and data partners designed to bridge the gap between insights and impact like never before. The program allows the community of Woxi users to easily pick research services that are guaranteed to have the right measurement to power Woxi predictive analytics, with seamless data exchange behind the scenes.

About Woxi

Woxi is a team of people with great experience (collectively 300+ years) and incredible passion around innovation, industry advancement, and building great products. Their purpose is to answer the Big Questions: what drives innovation success? How do we make better and more confident decisions? How can we help organizations make meaningful progress, from the global, collective perspective to every individual initiative?​

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