Brand Health KPI Tracker & Brand Health KPI Snapshot

What is Brand Tracking?

Brand tracking is the process of continuously measuring and monitoring various metrics related to a brand's performance over time. This typically includes tracking key indicators such as brand awareness, brand perception, brand loyalty, market share, and consumer behavior. The goal of brand tracking is to understand how consumers perceive and interact with the brand, assess the effectiveness of marketing strategies, identify trends and changes in the market, and make informed decisions to enhance the brand's strength and positioning. This ongoing analysis helps businesses stay aligned with their target audience's preferences and adapt to evolving market conditions.

Two brand tracking options

Zappi has two types of Brand Health solution available to customers, as well as iterations suitable for CPG, Services and Durables categories. Our flagship product - the Brand Health KPI Tracker - collects data continuously over time, offering a longitudinal understanding of the trajectory of a market and its core brands. Brand Health KPI Snapshot offers a point-in-time understanding, using the same survey but deploying it only once. This document will focus largely on the Tracker, but address the Snapshot also. 

Zappi’s methodological approach

In presenting Brand & Category solutions to our customers, Zappi is embracing the ‘How Brands Grow’ philosophy, articulated by the Ehrenberg Bass Institute for Marketing Science. It is simple, intuitive and highly actionable, making it a perfect fit for Zappi’s broader offering. 

Key to Ehrenberg Bass’ approach is the understanding of a brand’s degree of association with its ‘Category Entry Points’ (CEPs), and by that we mean all the reasons for which a buyer would be motivated to purchase in the category. So for soft drinks it might be ‘to quench my thirst’ or ‘to recharge after exercise’ or ‘whilst I’m watching the game’. CEPs are important. See more below.

How to run Brand Health KPI projects with Zappi

Getting set-up | Overview

  1. Log in to Zappi and select Brand & Market then when asked ‘What are you trying to understand today?’ select ‘Familiarity with brands and categories’ and you will be navigated to our Brand Health KPI solutions.
  2. Follow the configuration screens through to checkout. Begin by choosing your audience and sample size (400 people is our default per wave; we wouldn’t recommend fewer than 200 but you can test a minimum of 50 and a maximum of 1000)
  3. Survey questions are arranged in ‘modules’. Some are compulsory, whilst some are optional. These are Brand Attitude, Consideration, Additional Brand Diagnostics, Category Behavior, Brand Buzz.
  4. On the next page you can add up to 5 custom questions to your survey within the quoted project price.
  5. Launch to field and get responses for as little as $25,000 for our Tracker over 12 monthly waves, or $4,000 for our one-wave Snapshot.
  6. If launching a tracker, customers will need to get in touch with a Zappi customer rep who will set-up a special payment pot, which will enable a project launch.

Designing your audience

Audience set-up takes place in the same way as it does for other Zappi solutions. Some audiences are available as standard, whilst others can be added to customer domains for use. 

For projects in the Market space, broad category audiences are most appropriate. Through the lens of ‘How Brands Grow’, brands are seen to grow by adding buyers that previously had not bought to their customer base. These new buyers may be previous buyers of other category brands, or may be new entrants to the category. In order to capture and monitor each of these sources of growth, sample audiences should avoid targeting existing buyers only, although it is reasonable to screen out definitive category rejectors. 

But there is a balance to strike. It is also important to be mindful of the penetration of your category. Low awareness categories with very broad samples can result in low levels of insight from audiences who are not familiar with the space. If you feel like this is likely for your category, increase the sample size to capture more people in the know, or apply slightly more focus to your audience.  

Make sure there are no brand awareness or usage questions in your audience as this will bias the brand awareness questions in the tracker!

Required Configuration Inputs

In configuring a project you will be prompted to enter potential answers to questions and to choose which survey ‘Modules’ are to be included in your survey. Whilst some Modules are mandatory, others are optional and can be toggled on or off. The number of modules selected has no impact on the final cost of the project. 

Brand list

Enter the names of the significant brands in your category including your own. You can add a maximum of 15 brands, although fewer brands make for a shorter, more enjoyable survey for respondents so aim for 10. These brands should account for at least 95% of market share in total. They will be used throughout your survey. None of these has automatically been added as an answer option. Brands are presented in randomized order per respondent and will appear throughout the survey. 

Brand & Category Attributes list 

This is a list of factors that may influence a consumer to make a purchase decision in your category. They may be baseline competencies that any brand within your space needs to satisfy, or they may be what Ehrenberg Bass refer to as attributes ‘Category Entry Points’. These are the contexts in which brands might be chosen (why, when, how or where?). For instance, you might enter the ice cream category ‘When it’s a hot day’ or ‘When I want to give my kids a treat’ or ‘As an after dinner dessert option’. Avoid using 'is the best, or better than' in your attributes. Our survey will then assess how readily your brand is associated with each of these motivating factors vs the competition, as well as how important they are for the category. 

Further Modules & inputs for our CPG survey

Brand Attitude Module

Love and hate for a brand will have a big impact on brand choice. Understand overall sentiment towards brands and reasons for rejection.

This Module adds Brand Appeal (Overall how much do you like each of these brands?) and Brand Barriers (For which, if any, of the following reasons do you not like these brands?). Brand Barriers is asked of all Brands which score 1-3/5 at Brand Appeal. 

If this Module is selected, you will be prompted to enter reasons why customers may not like or be willing to choose brands in your category. None of these has automatically been added as an answer option. The barriers will be randomised.

Consideration Module

Capture future intentions (if they exist) with a smarter approach to Brand Consideration & Purchase Intent using the Juster Scale. Consumers use a purchase probability scale to indicate the chances of them opting for each brand within a relevant timeframe.

This Module adds Brand Consideration (When you are looking to buy [category], what is the chance you will buy [brand] in the next 3 months?) The question utilises a ‘Juster Scale’ - a purchase probability scale that asks respondents to calculate the likelihood that a purchase event will occur. No inputs are required at configuration for this question.

Additional Brand Diagnostics Module

Capture more category relevant diagnostics to track brand performance.

This Module adds the following questions: 

  • Brand Favorite (Which of these [category] brands would you say is your favorite?)
  • Brand Loyalty (If your favorite brand was not available, which of these might you buy instead, if any?). A respondent’s ‘Favorite’ is filtered out of available answers. 
  • Uniqueness (How unique or different are each of the following brands from others?) Asked of all brands a respondent is aware of.

No inputs are required at configuration for these questions.

Category Behavior Module

Explore behavior in your category to deepen purchase insights and inform strategies. This Module adds the following questions: 

  • Category Purchase Frequency (In the last 3 months, how often did you buy [category]?)
  • Category Purchase Drivers (Below is a list of statements that people have linked to [category]. Please read through the list and select those statements of greatest importance to you when you buy [category].)
  • Past Purchase Channel (How or where do you typically buy [category]?)

If this Module is selected, you will be prompted to enter a list of potential purchase channels which account for the way in which customers can purchase or choose brands in your category.

Brand Behavior Module

Collects Brand Purchase Recency (Which of the following brands did you buy in the last [time period]?) and Brand Purchase Frequency (How often did you buy each of the following brands in the last 3 months?). Both questions are useful for filtering other data by brand buyers. 

Brand Buzz Module

Find out if your brand communications have been noticed.

This Module adds Prompted Ad Awareness (Which of the following brands of [category] have you seen or heard advertised recently?) and Touchpoint Recall (Where do you think you have seen or heard advertising for these brands of [category] recently?)

No inputs are required at configuration for these questions.

Further Modules & inputs for our Services survey

Brand Attitude Module

Love and hate for a brand will have a big impact on brand choice. Understand overall sentiment towards brands and reasons for rejection.

This Module adds Brand Appeal (Overall how much do you like each of the following…?) and Brand Barriers (For which, if any, of the following reasons do you not like these…?). Brand Barriers is asked of all Brands which score 1-3/5 at Brand Appeal. 

If this Module is selected, you will be prompted to enter reasons why customers may not like or be willing to choose brands in your category. None of these has automatically been added as an answer option. The barriers will be randomised.

Consideration Module

Capture future intentions (if they exist) with a smarter approach to Brand Consideration & Purchase Intent using the Juster Scale. Consumers use a purchase probability scale to indicate the chances of them opting for each brand within a relevant timeframe.

This Module adds Brand Consideration (What is the chance you will [choose, purchase, order from, subscribe to] [brand] in the next 12 months?) The question utilises a ‘Juster Scale’ - a purchase probability scale that asks respondents to calculate the likelihood that a purchase event will occur. No inputs are required at configuration for this question.

Brand Behavior Module

This module collects information that allows you to filter on current and lapsed users, as well as where respondents are in their purchase journey. 

  • Brand Usage (Which of the following do you use as a [category label], if any?)
  • Length of Time Usage (How long have you been a customer of these [category labels]?). Asked of brands currently used. 
  • Previous Brand Usage (Which other [category labels], if any, have you used in the past?). Asked of brands not currently used.

Additional Brand Diagnostics Module

Capture more category relevant diagnostics to track brand performance.

This Module adds the following questions: 

  • Main Brand (Which of the following, if any, is your main…?)
  • Brand Satisfaction (How satisfied are you with [your main brand]?). Asked only of a respondent’s Main Brand. 
  • Likelihood To Recommend (How likely are you to recommend [your main brand] to a friend or colleague?) Asked only of a respondent’s Main Brand. 

No inputs are required at configuration for these questions.

Category Behavior Module

Explore behavior in your category to deepen purchase insights and inform strategies. This Module adds the following questions: 

  • Category Purchase Volume (In the last [time period], how many times did you [choose, purchase, order from, subscribe to] a [category label]?)
  • Category Purchase Drivers (Below is a list of statements that people have linked to [category labels]. Please read through the list and select those statements of greatest importance to you when you [choose, purchase, order from, subscribe to] a [category label].)
  • Time to Next Purchase (When do you think you are most likely to [choose, purchase, order from, subscribe to] a [category label] next?)
  • Past Purchase Channel How or where did you [choose, purchase, order from, subscribe to] a [category label] last time? 

If this Module is selected, you will be prompted to enter a term to describe the type of purchase that takes place in your category (i.e. choose, purchase, order from, subscribe to) and a list of potential purchase channels which account for the way in which customers can purchase or choose brands in your category.

Brand Buzz Module

Find out if your brand communications have been noticed.

This Module adds Prompted Ad Awareness (Which of the following brands of [category] have you seen or heard advertised recently?) and Touchpoint Recall (Where do you think you have seen or heard advertising for these brands of [category] recently?)

No inputs are required at configuration for these questions.

Further Modules & inputs for our Durables survey

Brand Attitude Module

Love and hate for a brand will have a big impact on brand choice. Understand overall sentiment towards brands and reasons for rejection.

This Module adds Brand Appeal (Overall how much do you like each of these brands?) and Brand Barriers (For which, if any, of the following reasons do you not like these brands?). Brand Barriers is asked of all Brands which score 1-3/5 at Brand Appeal. 

If this Module is selected, you will be prompted to enter reasons why customers may not like or be willing to choose brands in your category. None of these has automatically been added as an answer option. The barriers will be randomised.

Consideration Module

Capture future intentions (if they exist) with a smarter approach to Brand Consideration & Purchase Intent using the Juster Scale. Consumers use a purchase probability scale to indicate the chances of them opting for each brand within a relevant timeframe.

This Module adds Brand Consideration (When you are looking to buy {[category label], what is the chance you will buy a [brand name] in the next 12 months?) The question utilises a ‘Juster Scale’ - a purchase probability scale that asks respondents to calculate the likelihood that a purchase event will occur. No inputs are required at configuration for this question.

Brand Behavior Module

This module collects information that allows you to filter on current and lapsed users, as well as where respondents are in their purchase journey. 

  • Brand Usage (Which of these brands of [category label] do you own, if any?)
  • Length of Time Usage (How long have you owned these brands of [category label]?). Asked of brands currently used. 
  • Previous Brand Usage (Which of these brands, if any, have you used in the past?). Asked of brands not currently used.

Additional Brand Diagnostics Module

Capture more category relevant diagnostics to track brand performance.

This Module adds the following questions: 

  • Main Brand (Which of these [category label] brands is the main brand you use, if any)
  • Brand Satisfaction (How satisfied are you with [your main brand]?). Asked only of a respondent’s Main Brand. 
  • Likelihood To Recommend (How likely are you to recommend [your main brand] to a friend or colleague?) Asked only of a respondent’s Main Brand. 

No inputs are required at configuration for these questions.

Category Behavior Module

Explore behavior in your category to deepen purchase insights and inform strategies. This Module adds the following questions: 

  • Category Purchase Volume (In the last 12 months, how many times did you buy a [category label]?)
  • Category Purchase Drivers (Below is a list of statements that people have linked to [category labels]. Please read through the list and select those statements of greatest importance to you when you buy a [category label].)
  • Time to Next Purchase (When do you think you are most likely to buy a [category label] next?)
  • Past Purchase Channel How or where did you buy a [category label] last time? 

If this Module is selected, you will be prompted to enter a list of potential purchase channels which account for the way in which customers can purchase or choose brands in your category.

Brand Buzz Module

Find out if your brand communications have been noticed.

This Module adds Prompted Ad Awareness (Which of the following brands of [category] have you seen or heard advertised recently?) and Touchpoint Recall (Where do you think you have seen or heard advertising for these brands of [category] recently?)

No inputs are required at configuration for these questions.

Brand Health KPI Tracker FAQs

  • Why can’t I buy a Tracking project at check-out?
    • Your Zappi Rep will need to set up a tracking credit pot for tracker-specific payment. A tracker needs to be bought upfront, for the year. It cannot be bought using any existing credits. If you run multiple trackers, each tracker will require its own credit pot.
  • Can I launch my tracker?
    • Absolutely! If your credit pot is available to you then your rep should already be aware of your schedule. Feel free to launch on your schedule.
  • When will my tracker start collecting data?
    • Your first wave will begin on the 1st of the next month. Subsequent waves automatically launch on the 1st of each month.
  • When should I get in touch?
    • As soon as possible ahead of a the next month’s launch date! In order to get a tracker started we require all inputs and audiences to be confirmed 5 business days before the end of the month.
  • Can I make changes after my tracker is launched?
    • No, changes are currently not available for the duration of your tracker, including to custom questions. These are not advised as changes can impair comparability across waves.
  • Is my data weighted? 
    • Yes, Brand Health data is weighted to quota targets to ensure consistency and comparability wave on wave. You should therefore expect to see small adjustments in data when comparing to raw scores.  
  • Can I build my own charts? 
    • Yes, you can utilise the cross-tab environment in your reporting area which is labelled ‘Data’ to build and save tables and charts to your regular report flow. 
  • Why can I not see a Spontaneous Brand Awareness chart? 
    • This chart is currently not available in Beta, but the data can be exported and added into external coding facilities. 
  • Can I get help from Zappi Consultants with my Tracker? 
    • Yes, your Zappi account team can advise which Consultancy packages may suit, or arrange a time to discuss scope. 
  • Can I connect this Tracking data to my old Tracking data? 
    • No, Zappi does not currently offer the ability to calibrate data or ingest data from other sources. If continuity is an important consideration, customers are encouraged to run incumbent trackers in parallel with their Zappi tracker initially to observe and understand differences in trends before making the switch. 
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