Zappi Creative Video

Zappi Creative Video assesses the potential for in-market success, so you can learn how to drive business growth, build your brand, and encourage engagement.

Key Measures

  • Measure emotional reactions to creatives
  • Capture open-ended feedback on the elements consumers liked or disliked
  • Check messaging cut-through
  • Assess the impact on behavior and brand perceptions
  • Track viewers’ second-by-second responses to video ads

Zappi Creative Video Configuration Checklist:

  • Audience: Custom Audience or Zappi Audience selected (list of available Zappi Audiences can be found on the platform)
  • Stimulus (stimuli) format: MP4 or MOV (smaller than 100 MB in size, resolution of 1280x720), finished film or animatic
  • Attributes: Up to 20 in total. Minimum of 2 and a maximum of 20 (Answers to the question “Which of the following words or phrases do you associate closely with the ad you have just seen?”).
    • You will have a list of attributes to choose from, which for non-English markets are available to you already translated
    • You can use your own custom attributes, but you will need to provide translations for non-English markets
  • Key message clarity questions: Understand how well key messages are being communicated
    • Include up to 4
    • In order to match the format of the question, each key message should be a complete statement. For example, "Brand X is the number one brand of category."
  • Behavior Change: How will you fill in this sentence?:
    • "Based on everything you've seen, how likely would you be to [ACTION] the [NOUN]?"
  • Custom questions (optional): at an additional cost per question. You will need to provide translations for non-English markets. Questions can take the following forms: single-choice, multichoice, scale, open-ended or grid
    • Possibility to upload an image for each custom question (optional)

Configuration Walkthrough Video

Questionnaire flow and key metrics definitions

  • Key takeout. Respondents are asked the following as an open-ended question: "Other than making you more or less interested in the product/service, what is the main thing that this ad is trying to tell you?".
  • Overall appeal. This metric measures how much the respondent's overall like or dislike towards the ad is, on an 11 point scale.
  • Emotions. Respondents are asked to select which emotions the ad made them feel, and how strongly (low, mid, or high intensity) they were impacted. 
  • Brand recall and Linkage. Respondents are asked to type in the brand they think the ad is for. The brand is then revealed, and respondents are encouraged to rate how strongly they think the ad fits the brand.
  • Likes and dislikes question. It prompts respondents to retell the ad’s narrative and records what they have liked and disliked about it.
  • Messaging. A list of messages or attributes is configured at setup. On this question, respondents select which of these they associated most closely with the ad they have just seen. This can be used to ensure that the correct benefits of the ad are cutting through to consumers
  • Key Measures. They consist of the respondent’s rating over the measures of relevancy, uniqueness, believability, brand feeling (whether or not the ad changed the way they feel about the brand) on an 11 point scale. 
  • Behavioral Change. This question asks how likely respondents are to engage in an activity that is configurable on an 11 point scale. The activities available are: 
    • Purchase the product
    • Visit the brand's restaurant
    • Use the app
    • Visit the store
    • Consider the product
    • Visit the website
    • Use the brand
    • Donate to the organization
    • Consider the brand
    • Connect with the brand on social media
    • Download the product
    • Use the product
    • Purchase the brand
    • Watch the show
    • Subscribe to the brand
    • Read about the game
    • Play with the app
    • Follow the brand
  • Key Messages. Respondents evaluate how clearly your ad communicates the key messages you have entered (doing so in no more than four statements).
  • Viral likelihood. Respondents are asked how likely they are to share the ad shown during the survey on Social Media networks and to rate that response on an 11 point scale. This measure’s response is an important indicator to estimate viral potential. 

If you are looking for any additional information, please check out the links below: