Audience Selection

Easy & consistent approach

You can easily select the audience you want to talk to when configuring your survey. You get audience recommendations based on what you use most often or recently used/created, and detailed information about the audience of your choice.  This leads to:

  • Increase in your audience reuse rate and thus higher consistency of your data asset.
  • Faster & easier identification of relevant audiences. 

Zappi’s approach to audience selection helps you get higher value out of your survey data. The more consistent your audiences are, the more you can learn across multiple projects, inspire your future ideas and make your advertising and innovation more effective. 

As Kate Schardt, Sr Director of Global Insights at PepsiCo puts it “You can't make a meta analysis of Swiss cheese data. You can't have a standard in terms of what is effective advertising [or innovation], if you have everyone choosing their own adventure in terms of who they want to talk to. That doesn't fit with How Brands Grow science. You have to have consistency and you need to talk to a relatively broad sample.”

How does it work

When selecting your audience, you get dynamic audience recommendations based on:

  • Most recently used (used the audience before and recently)
  • Most frequently used (used the audience before and often)
  • Newest, i.e. created most recently (not used the audience but have had it recently created)

These recommendations are based on your personal use, your company use, and Zappi-wide use in that order. This means the audiences used by the user are ranked higher, then the audiences used by the organization, and lastly the audiences used Zappi-wide.

You get topline information about each audience right in the audience list and should you want to know more, you can access the detail of each audience with a click of a button - this includes usage IR, screening, quotas and more. 

To access your audience library, please follow the below video guide.


For which Zappi solutions is the above audience selection applicable?

At the moment it is available for all Zappi solutions except the so-called IA solutions - Amplify, Activate It & Prioritize It. We’re working on a similar approach to audience selection for these solutions which will be available in the near future.

Why do IA audiences appear in the audience selection?

IA audiences, i.e. specific broader category audiences available on IA solutions are available in order to facilitate reuse of these audiences on other solutions and improve data consistency (e.g. a customer that uses Amplify for their ad development but tests some of the creative on the Creative Suite can easily use the same audience). 

Do I get to see all the available audiences?

Yes, you get to see all the available audiences but you see them ranked based on your usage as explained above, and you can filter, search, and see topline information about each audience so you can easily identify the right one.

Can a customer see other customers’ audiences?

No, unless they have been created as a shared audience.

Why do I see audiences that are for a category other than the one I have selected?

The more you and your organization uses the platform, the more relevant audience recommendations you will get, so in most cases you should only see only recommendations relevant for your category.  In the near future we will implement a linkage between an audience and a category, so you will only see the categories relevant for your audience in all instances, even if you’re a new user. In the meanwhile you can use the search functionality to narrow down the audience list.

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