Zappi’s Autocoding Functionality

What is autocoding?

Zappi’s Autocoding functionality is formed of two charts that address, Likes, Dislikes, and Suggestions for Improvements. They take the responses to open-ended questions and code them, getting data from parts of the questionnaire normally coded by hand. 

At Zappi, we have automated the process of coding. Rather than taking days to code verbatim responses, it can now be done quickly on the Zappi platform. 

With Autocoding you can:

  • Get more value from your verbatims.
  • Save time exploring and interpreting open-ended questions.
  • Get consistent verbatim analysis (due to reduced human bias).
  • Give a customer voice to your test results.

What are open-ended questions, and why are they valuable?

The benefits of open-ended questioning have always been known but, historically, the costs of processing and deriving insights from the responses have been prohibitive. Coding requires a researcher to read through all comments, develop a code frame (a list of appropriate codes, or topics), then classify the verbatim responses against the codes. This is a slow, manual, and methodical process.

Open-ended questions ask respondents to give free-text responses, known as verbatims. This opens up the research to the full diversity of views held by the wide range of consumers taking part.

Open-ended questions make research more valuable. Researchers can pick up on critical, sometimes unexpected, findings, leading to a better understanding of why an ad or concept has performed the way it has or highlighting areas for optimization. 

Open questions encourage more honest, thoughtful answers, and they make for a better survey experience. Respondents feel their opinions matter, and the questionnaire becomes about more than just validating an existing point of view.

How does it work?

Zappi’s data scientists have explored neural networks to develop an autocoding functionality that enhances the coding process; a neural network is a computing system that is loosely modeled on how the human brain learns and makes decisions.  

Where can I use autocoding?

We offer Autocoding on the most useful open-ended questions from the survey. These are: “What do you like?”  “What do you dislike?” and “What are your suggestions for improvements?”.

See below for the availability of autocoded open-ended questions by Zappi product. 

Product Likes Dislikes Suggestions for improvement
Creative video Yes Yes
Creative static Yes Yes
Creative audio Yes Yes
Creative storyboard Yes Yes
Creative digital Yes Yes
Amplify suite Yes Yes
Concept test Yes Yes Yes
Pack test Yes Yes Yes
M/A/R/C Yes

By leveraging automated translations, we’ve enabled Autocoding in all the languages in which our products are available; verbatims from non-English studies are translated into English before being autocoded. Autocoding charts let you toggle between English and the language in which the studies were originally fielded. 

Autocoding functionality can be used through two charts, ‘“Autocoded Verbatims” and “Callout Verbatims.”

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