Zappi Creative Digital Non-social Static

What are your static ads doing for you? From performance to brand, go beyond A/B testing and find the elements that drive success with Zappi Creative Digital Non-social static.

Different screens produce different results, what more can you find about your digital ads? Understand how your ad is perceived in a cluttered online environment. 

Key Measures

  • Get a robust read on key measures for advertising success, including Behavior Change, Overall Appeal and Brand Linkage, and key digital KPIs Standout and attention, and Online engagement.
  • Get messaging cut through and identify emotional reaction feedback.
  • Learn the why? behind performance using rich qualitative verbatim data.

Configuration Checklist

  • Audience: Custom Audience or Zappi Audience selected (list of available Zappi Audiences can be found on the platform)
  • Stimulus/stimuli:
    • Static =  JPG/PNG  
  • Ad Name: Title your ads for reporting purposes
  • Brand Name: To be piped into Brand Feeling/Brand Linkage questions
  • Attributes: Up to 20 in total:
    • You will have a list of attributes to choose from, which for non-English markets are available to you already translated
    • You can use your own custom attributes, but you will need to provide translations for non-English markets
  • Key Messages: Understand how well key messages are being communicated
    • Include up to 4
    • In order to match the format of the question, each key message should be a complete statement. For example, "Brand X is the number one brand of category."
  • Behavior change: How will you fill in this sentence?:
    • "Based on everything you've seen, how likely would you be to [ACTION] the [NOUN]?"
  • (Optional) Introduction: Text Only, Image & Text, Video & Text, None
  • Stage of Development: Concept or Draft or Final Ad
    • This impacts the context provided at the beginning of the survey and will ensure we pull in the correct Stage of Development benchmark in your report 
  • Custom questions (optional for an additional cost): You will need to provide translations for non-English markets. Questions can take the following forms:
    • Grid
    • Scale
    • Open-end
    • Multiple choice
    • Single choice

Questionnaire flow and key metrics definitions

  • Intro and 1st Exposure OUT OF CONTEXT: Respondents are welcomed to the survey, shown the ad for the 1st time, and asked to familiarize themselves with rating using the slide bar. They are pre-warned if the ad is at an animatic or rough cut stage. 
  • Brand recall and key takeout: Respondents type in the brand they think the ad is for. Asked as an open-ended question:  Other than making you more or less interested in the product/service, what is the main thing that this ad is trying to tell you?
  • Overall Appeal: Asked on an 11 point scale:  Overall, how much did you like the ad?
  • Emotions: Respondents are asked to select which emotions the ad made them feel.
  • Brand linkage: Respondents rate how strongly they think the ad fits the brand.
  • Likes and dislikes: Respondents are asked to retell the story of the ad and record what they liked and disliked about it.
  • Messaging: A list of attributes is configured at setup, at this question respondents select which of the following words or phrases they associated most closely with the ad idea.
  • Key Digital Measures: Respondents rate the ad for attention & standout, expectation to see online, relevancy on an 11 point scale. Online engagement is also asked to determine action as a result of seeing the ad.
  • Behavioural Change: Asked on an 11 point scale, this question asks how likely respondents are to engage in an activity that is configurable by you. The activities available are: 
    • Purchase the product
    • Visit the brand's restaurant
    • Use the app
    • Visit the store
    • Consider the product
    • Visit the website
    • Use the brand
    • Donate to the organization
    • Consider the brand
    • Connect with the brand on social media
    • Download the product
    • Use the product
    • Purchase the brand
    • Watch the show
    • Subscribe to the brand
    • Read about the game
    • Play with the app
    • Follow the brand
  • Social media tags and post: Respondents choose from a list of social media tags for what they would use in a post of the ad and are asked for what they would write in the post using an open-ended question.

AI-Generated Reports

AI Quick Report: Automated reporting is available upon the completion of a survey which provides a concise summary of results and diagnosis of why.  It is produced by combining human expertise in how to interpret and diagnose consumer responses from your survey with AI.

If you are looking for any additional information, please check out the links below: