15 things you can do with Zappi Crosstab

1. Summarize large numbers of concepts and metrics 

Crosstab is a useful tool to summarise large volumes of data and make your data easier to digest. Crosstab does this by creating summary snapshots of large numbers of metrics, across large numbers of concepts, and putting it all in one place. 

2. Stat test everything, flexibly 

Stat testing is a key requirement of market research organizations that savvy users expect to work seamlessly when conducting their research projects on our platform. With the introduction of stat testing within the Crosstab, we are now able to provide this in-depth analysis to users with ease. This allows users to stat test across custom questions and key messages, as well as other metrics (see next image). 

3. Compare your scores to norms

When using products that support norms, like Zappi’s monadic solutions, then you will be able to compare your results in the table to the norm. This can be a great help when trying to create a grid summary of a large number of metrics against a norm.


4. Top Box your metrics

It is not always easy to differentiate between concepts; in some circumstances, you might be required to do a top box analysis to find the best one. Within the Crosstab, there is a simple to use menu within each of your selected metrics to ensure you can always find your winner. 

5. Cut your metrics by multiple levels of variables

One of the core functions of a crosstab is allowing users to segment their data easily to make increasingly granular comparisons across their data sets.

6. Export to native PPT charts 

The visuals you create on the Zappi Crosstab can now be exported to native PPT charts. This gives you an increased level of flexibility to customize and change your visuals within powerpoint if desired (see next image).

7. Copy to clipboard   

With Zappi Crosstab, you no longer need to copy and paste each individual number manually to an Excel sheet. By clicking the Export button and Copy to clipboard, your results will be immediately copied mitigating human error to ensure your data is unaltered. 

8. Grouping results by tags

It is now possible to segment your data by self-created tags. This is a big leap towards self-serving meta insights. This additional custom cut on data can save you hours you would spend conducting in-depth analyses in other software systems.

9. Combining concepts into campaigns 

Ever wanted to group stimuli to understand how your different campaigns performed? Well, now you can! In this crosstab update, you can now easily aggregate concepts together to understand the total performance.

10. Grouping results by fieldwork dates

We have created another way of slicing your data by date. Segmenting by date gives you much finer control on your analysis, allowing you to draw out conclusions relating to the time period of your analysis. Coupled with the other segmentation tools, such as gender or age, you will be able to surface insights at scale.

11. Run queries across more than 100 concepts from previous projects in one go

The Zappi Crosstab is able to handle huge queries. We’ve built a strong technical base which allows us to go big but remain quick. With access to millions of data points through our simple interface, you will be able to really dive into data and understand trends. Coupled with our improved segmenting and filtering insights will shine through. It will take longer as you select more concepts; we’ve stress tested up to 250 concepts, and we are actively working to see how we can optimize for those with even bigger queries.

12. Visualize your results in simple charts  

It is now possible to swap from a table view to one of several chart views. You can now see your data as a:

  • Table
  • Bar
  • Stacked bar
  • Scatter plot
  • Column
  • Tabular
  • Dial chart

These charts can then be exported, saved to a story, and filtered as you would any other chart.

13. Save and re-use your charts

Re-use saved charts on the next group of concepts you run. This allows you to add your own custom charts to the expert-led Zappi offering, giving you a high level of customization without having to do repetitive work. Enterprise clients also have the ability to share saved charts within their organization. Saved charts then appear as “Custom Charts” in each report that's generated.

14. Convert your scores from means to percentages

Change the view on your metrics from a mean to percentages to examine the distribution of your responses across the available answers for insights into the spread of your results.

15. Create variables from saved filters and segment on them

Using the Zappi advanced filter interface, you can create variables using groups of conditions across multiple variables like age, gender, and screener questions. This allows you to build as many granular segments across multiple variables as required, and then segment your metrics accordingly.

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