Editable Power Point exports

What are editable PPT exports?  

When exporting your charts, you will be able to choose the option “Editable PowerPoint”. This option gives you the ability to customize your chart formatting in an easy and fast way, saving your time creating reports. 

Those editable charts are a native chart in Microsoft PowerPoint, with all the charting functionality available, such as changing chart types, editing and sorting data in excel, or changing the look and feel to match your brand’s PowerPoint template. 

Which products/charts can be editable? 

You will be able to edit your exported PowerPoint charts for ScreenIt, Optimize Rank and Optimize Reach. Some of the charts in the Crosstab feature (bar, column, stacked bars, and quadrant charts) and custom questions already have this option too!

Three ways to export your charts

  1. Export your charts by clicking the exports tab on the left-hand menu bar from your reports. Select your preferred format.
  2. Export your charts from the stories section on the platform analysis.
  3. You can also export your charts when you are on an individual chart. Click the export breakdown button and select your preferred option.
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