
What is the Dashboard?

Have you ever wanted to know what your best performing ad or concept of all time is? Your Dashboard is the place to go. After running 10 projects on the same product, you begin to unlock the additional value that comes with having historically comparable data all in one place. Using your product Dashboard, you’re able to see at a glance which of your ads, ideas, or concepts performed best, ranked by the results metric you choose. You can also filter your view by your tags and click into any project tile to view the full report.

In this article

Why should I use the Dashboard?

With the ability to quickly arrange your top projects by key metrics and across tags, you may begin to see high level trends emerge as to what's resonating best with your customers over time. This is particularly powerful for admin users who will be able to see all the projects run by users at once.

For example, does one project really stand out as a top performer in 3 metrics, but a different project out-performed it in a 4th metric? Spotting this on your Dashboard, you can click into that outlier for a deeper dive into charts, verbatim, and key drivers that may reveal its particular strength - and then bring this insight into your next stakeholder planning meeting.

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How do I find the Dashboard?

Go to the Projects menu and click Analysis. Select the product you wish to dashboard. Then select the Dashboard tab in the lefthand sidebar. 

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How do I use the Dashboard?

Make the most of your Dashboard by adding and customizing  widgets

  • Each box you see is called a widget. Use the “+ Add a widget” dropdown menu to select different metrics to rank by, add a market coverage map, or simply see a dynamic list of your most recent projects.

  • Filter all your widgets by tag using the "Filter widgets" drop down. Filter a single widget by selecting the arrow at the bottom of the widget. Once filtered, the widget only shows the top performing projects in that metric with that tag applied. Read more about the power of tagging here.

  • You can use the market coverage map to see all the projects run in that market. Select a market on the map and you'll be taken to the Explore page with that market filter applied.

  • Remove a widget you don’t need by clicking the three dot menu on the corner of the widget and deleting it.

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How do I go deeper?

Simply select any project listed to be taken to the full report. Use the Charts tab for data visualization and analysis or click into the Advanced Analytics tab to create your own crosstab and access our deeper analytics capabilities like Key Drivers Analysis and Content Theme Analysis. See our section on Advanced Analytics here.

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