Screen It

Screen It is an early-stage screening tool for testing product ideas, logos, names, designs and more. It allows you to identify the ideas that work for your audience and optimize the best ones with consumer insights. It is part our It is part of the Zappi Innovation Development System so once you use Screen it, you can evolve your ideas further and iterate with consumers using our advanced concept testing tools such as Activate it Early, Activate it, based on the same framework.


Screen It 2.0

Screen It 1.0

  • Available UNTIL 31-Dec-2024 for users that were Zappi customers BEFORE 30-May-2023. However we recommend all existing customers take advantage of the new features and benefits made available in v2.0 and start using it already.
  • After 31-Dec-2024 new studies can only be launched on Screen it 2.0 but users will still be able to access previous studies run on Screen it 1.0.
  • Jump to more information below

Screen It 2.0

Key Details

Screen it 2.0 is a sequential test, meaning that consumers will be comparing each of the items that are tested against each other instead of evaluating each item individually on its own merits. With Screen it, you may:

  • Test a variety of ideas in 50+ markets within as little as 5 hours
  • Screen up to 60 items (depending on market feasibility)
  • Test a wide variety of stimuli, including early product ideas, logos, names, claims in image and text format
  • Sequential ranking on chosen measure for easy insights-driven decisions - ability to choose from 10 key measures to rank on

Additional metrics measured on a scale of 1-5 to help you understand potential of your ideas:

  • The key Zappi Innovation Framework metrics:
    • Behavior change (with the option to select what behavior you want to drive - e.g. purchase, consideration, usage)
    • Distinctiveness
    • Advantage
  • Additional metrics & diagnostics:
    • Relevance
    • Believability
    • Attribute association

Open ended reactions to your ideas that help you optimize them further by understanding detailed respondent feedback. You can select if you want to get the open ends in form of:

  • Auto-coded likes & dislikes - to key themes for each stimulus as well as for a combination of stimuli
  • OR Heatmaps likes & dislikes - for image stimuli you can see which areas of your stimuli are most and least liked

Screen it 2.0 has a number of benefits vs 1.0:

  • Better diagnostics
    • Heatmaps OR Auto-coded likes & dislikes, now in a more user friendly format (combined, including deselect all button)
    • Cultural sensitivity questions added in the survey loop
  • Increased flexibility - choose from 10 different metrics to rank on, available for tailoring
  • Alignment with the Zappi Innovation System
    • Reporting experience / descriptions
    • Optional measures
    • 5pt rank scale
  • Improved quality - respondent UI & rotation algorithm

Screen it 2.0: Configuration Checklist

  • Audience: Custom Audience or Zappi Audience selected (list of available Zappi Audiences can be found on the platform)
  • Stimulus/stimuli: JPG/PNG (max 800 PX high by 1366 PX wide) or text (250 characters max)
  • Survey introduction statement: Short introduction (1000 characters max) of what the survey is about (i.e., "You are about to evaluate logos for a new brand.") 
    • For non-English markets, the statement needs to be in the local language
    • You also have the option to upload an image or video in addition to your intro statement
  • Which measure you would like to have respondents rank on - options include:
    • Appeal: Out of the following [stimuli type], which one do you find most appealing?
    • Behavior Change: Out of the following [stimuli type], which would you be most likely to [action]?
    • Believability: Out of the following [stimuli type], which one do you find most believable?
    • Distinctiveness: Out of the following [stimuli type], which do you find most distinctive?
    • Fit with Brand Impressions: Out of the following [stimuli type], which one fits best with your impressions of the [noun]?
    • Impact to Appeal: Out of the following [stimuli type], which one would make the [noun] most appealing?
    • Impact to Behavior Change: Out of the following [stimuli type], which one would make you most likely to [action] the [noun]?
    • Impact to Distinctiveness: Out of the following [stimuli type], which would make the [noun] most distinctive from others that you are aware of?
    • Meets Needs: Out of the following [stimuli type], which one meets your needs the most?
    • Relevance: Out of the following [stimuli type], which one do you find most relevant?
  • Optional measures: Which will you be including in your project?
    • Attribute Association, Behavior Change, Distinctiveness, Advantage, Relevance, Believability,
    • For attributes, you may include up to 20 in total
      • You will have a list of attributes to choose from, which for non-English markets are available to you already translated. You can use your own custom attributes, but you will need to provide translations for non-English markets
      • You can use your own custom attributes, but you will need to provide translations for non-English markets
  • Open ended diagnostic options when testing Images: You have an option to choose autocoded and charted verbatims for your likes & dislikes questions, or heatmaps.
  • Custom questions (optional): at an additional cost per question. You will need to provide translations for non-English markets. Questions can take the following forms:
    • Grid
    • Scale
    • Open end
    • Multiple choice
    • Single choice

Pro tip! Custom questions in ScreenIt allow you to pipe in stimuli to the rows of a grid question, allowing you to get more precise answers from respondents about your ideas. When adding a custom grid question during configuration, use this toggle:

Selecting Stimulus Type

When configuring your test you will be asked to select the type of stimulus you are testing. You will see a pre-determined list of stimulus type, and it's important that you select the most relevant descriptor of your stimulus from the drop-down list:

  • Concept
  • Design
  • Idea
  • Message
  • Name
  • Product

Use the following grid to map your stimulus to the most relevant stimulus type:

Design Concept Message Idea Product Name
Design Concept Message Idea Product Name
Logo Flavor Claim Innovation idea

Image Flavour Advert Offer

Statement Promotion

Tagline Partnership

Pack design
Advertisement Product idea

Digital ad

Package design

Packaging design

If your stimuli type is not in our pre-defined list, you can use the introduction page to provide respondents with the needed context. For example, if you are testing a package, you could select ‘Design’ and add the following survey intro:
"We are considering some new package designs and would like your opinion about them…."

Questionnaire Flow and Key Metrics

  • Ranking. A respondent will see a maximum of five (5) items that are tested. Respondents rank each of the items that they have been shown. They will see all five stimuli individually to begin, and will see them displayed together towards the end of the test as well.  
  • Optional Measure Questions. One to six Optional Measures questions can be selected for the respondent to react to: 
    1. Attribute association
    2. Behavior change
    3. Distinctiveness
    4. Advantage
    5. Relevance
    6. Believability
  • Diagnostic options:
    • Open ended likes & dislikes: respondents are asked to provide open ended feedback on what they liked and what they disliked about the items they rated the highest and the lowest.
    • Heatmaps: respondents are shown the items that they rated the highest and the lowest. They'll click on the areas that they like the most and the least and add open ended feedback.
  • Read more in the Methodology Guide

If you are looking for any additional information, please check out the links below:

Methodology Guide

Concept writing tips and examples

Stimuli Guidelines

Screen it 1.0

Key Measures

ScreenIt is a sequential test, meaning that consumers will be comparing each of the items that are tested against each other instead of evaluating each item individually on its own merits. A respondent will see a maximum of five (5) items that are tested, they will see all five stimuli individually to begin, and will see them displayed together towards the end of the test as well. With ScreenIt, you may:

  • Screen up to 80 items (in the US & UK depending on feasibility)
  • Screen 20 items in 50 countries quickly and at a low price 
  • Measure for appeal, uniqueness, behavior change, and more
  • Test a wide variety of stimuli (including concept ideas, logos, names, and claims) in image and text format
  • Sequential ranking for easy insights-driven decisions at-a-glance
  • Respondents can highlight or click on what they like or dislike to provide diagnostic feedback
  • Additional key measures help reach an understanding regarding key drivers and outcomes like purchase intent, uniqueness, and attribute association for each of your concepts

Screen it v1.0 Configuration Checklist

  • Audience: Custom Audience or Zappi Audience selected (list of available Zappi Audiences can be found on the platform)
  • Stimulus/stimuli: JPG/PNG (max 800 PX high by 1366 PX wide) or text (250 characters max)
  • Survey introduction statement: Short introduction (1000 characters max) of what the survey is about (i.e., "You are about to evaluate logos for a new brand.") 
    • For non-English markets, the statement needs to be in the local language
    • You also have the option to upload an image or video in addition to your intro statement
  • Optional measures: Which will you be including in your project?
    • Believability, Uniqueness, Attributes, Behavior Change, Relevance
    • For attributes, you may include up to 20 in total
      • You will have a list of attributes to choose from, which for non-English markets are available to you already translated. You can use your own custom attributes, but you will need to provide translations for non-English markets
      • You can use your own custom attributes, but you will need to provide translations for non-English markets
  • Custom questions (optional): at an additional cost per question. You will need to provide translations for non-English markets. Questions can take the following forms:
    • Grid
    • Scale
    • Open end
    • Multiple choice
    • Single choice

Pro tip! Custom questions in ScreenIt allow you to pipe in stimuli to the rows of a grid question, allowing you to get more precise answers from respondents about your ideas. When adding a custom grid question during configuration, use this toggle:

Configuration Walkthrough Video

Questionnaire flow and key metrics definitions

  • Appeal Ranking. Respondents drag and drop each of the items that they have been shown onto a 10 point scale.
  • Optional Measure Questions. One to five Optional Measures questions can be selected for the respondent to react to: 
    1. How relevant is this concept to you?
    2. How unique and different is the concept?
    3. How believable were the claims made in the concept?
    4. Attribute association: Write a list of attributes when you set up your survey or choose from some of our suggestions. Respondents can select any number of these attributes that they associate with each item.
    5. How likely would you be to [insert action] the [insert descriptor]?
  • Heatmap or Image Highlighter. Respondents are shown the items that they rated the highest and the lowest. If an image was shown, they'll click on the areas that they like the most and the least. If text was shown instead, they'll highlight the words, sentences, or parts of sentences they like the most and the least.

If you are looking for any additional information, please check out the links below:

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