Latest platform releases Q2 2023

In the past months, we’ve been working to make it even easier for you to find the right solution, launch surveys, find answers, and learn across all you do on the platform. All this whilst keeping it fast and of great quality of course!

Read about the recent platform releases below:

Find and launch solutions more easily

  • Simplifying the available solutions: You’ll find a smaller, more relevant set of solutions available when you are on the platform.  Solutions that aren’t available for your vertical won’t appear, helping you get to what you need more easily.
  • Using recent project setting to move quickly: If you’re launching a similar piece of research, you can start from a recently run project so it’s almost completely set up. Just click “get started” on a recent project. You can start from your recent projects or those of your team.

Act in confidence with quality data

  • Enhanced automated quality checks: We are now performing rigorous checks to look at word repetition in open responses (we always did this on closed responses).  We look at every open response within the survey for an individual respondent. Based on the responses they give and the words they use, each respondent is given a repetition score.  Where the repetition score is too high, these respondents are automatically rejected and don’t enter the data set. The new automated repetition checks on open responses result in a further 10% of respondents being rejected from the data set on average
  • Better sample fulfillment across stimuli:  Where you have multiple stimuli in a project (Screen it and Prioritize it), they will fill more equally across the responses as they come in to ensure a robust read on all stimuli. 

Find and act on answers faster

  • Easily find your most recent research: Your most recent project is typically the one you want to access quickly. Once in analysis, the first thing you will now see is your 2 most recently used solutions so you can quickly and easily get to the data and insights you need. 
  • AI-Generated headline summaries: Concise, automatically generated headline summaries are now available on Creative Video to help you quickly get to the key takeout. These will be rolled out to more products in the coming months along with even more advanced use of AI.  
  • Get to your insights quicker & more easily: Once you have selected your recent research and gone to the charts area, all the available charts are now visible on one screen with divider headings for the chapters. You no longer need to click into different chapter folders, making it faster to get to the answers you need.

Answer more of your business needs with insights that fuel your decisions

  • Develop and launch effective advertising: This quarter we launched the Amplify Ad System to inspire, optimize and validate ideas, and ads. We worked with the largest global brands to develop the system that brings the consumer's voice in early, at every stage of creative development from ideation to launch, building a consumer-centric ad system that's 60% more predictive of in-market performance than the most commonly used pre-testing methods. Since partnering with Zappi, PepsiCo has seen a 30% increase in creative effectiveness across all their advertising.  Read more here. And reach out to your Zappi colleague for more information.
  • New, improved Screen it solution: In order to support agile innovation we’ve made our screening tool as adaptable & flexible as possible. You’ll now be able to choose from a range of metrics most suited to your needs, making it able to address a wide range of business questions. We've also made changes to the reporting which makes it easier to analyze and gain insights from verbatim / qualitative data. Finally, we’ve made it simpler and faster to set up new countries / languages with improved translation processes. Please note, the original version of Screen it still remains available for existing customers. Learn more here
  • Find or validate the right price for commercial success (physical products): Optimize Price helps you optimize your price for demand and margin. Three approaches are available depending on your need. Now available in UK and US for fast and slow-moving consumer goods and can be easily activated in most other markets where you have a need.

What’s next?  How can you influence what’s coming?

You can now check Zappi’s product board: see what our product teams are working on and get excited about the coming releases!  

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