New Users FAQ
We've compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions by new users of Zappi. We'll update the article periodically to reflect new questions. Can't find your answer? You can easily submit your question to our support team using the bot in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
What do I need in order to launch a project? What does the process of running a project with Zappi look like?
Great questions! Our Getting Started Guide is where you want to be.
Will Zappi provide the sample for my project? What are my options for sampling on a Zappi study?
When configuring a project, can I redefine the target group or, can I only to go with a nationally representative audience?
Zappi offers different audience options during the configuration process. You can either pick a nationally representative audience, a
diverse representative sample (where available) or choose a different
predefined one. If you can't find an audience that fits
your criteria, you can opt to get in touch with us, so we can build a custom audience for you, at an additional cost.
Below is an example of this selection:
Do you have example surveys/product questionnaire examples available?
Yes, you can get an example survey for each of the products available on the platform. Log into your Zappi account and go to the Products page to see all of the tools available to you. On the Product tile, click the menu (three vertical dots) and select, "Info." Once on the Product's Info page, use the drop down on the right side to select the correct market/language. Your survey should download automatically once selected.
Can I change the questionnaire?
All Zappi products have a standard questionnaire associated with them. The order and wording of these questions cannot be changed – this is for scalability and comparability purposes. However, you do have the option to customize a few things on certain products, and you’ll be able to see what is available to change during configuration. You’re also able to add custom questions to any Zappi project, for an additional fee.
How long will it take to get results?
Zappi can typically provide you with results within 6-24 hours, although timings may vary from product to product. Get in touch with your account manager, or submit a request by emailing if you’d like to get a time estimation for your current project.
How do I receive my reports? Will Zappi send me a report after my project closes?
I don’t have time to program, can Zappi launch my project for me?
What if I don’t have the time to create my own report with the results?
How do I get help when I need it?
Use the 'Contact Support' (mail icon) at the bottom left of the platform to contact our Platform Support team, and we will get back to you with advice or an update on your query within 4 working hours.
What type of issues should I report via the platform to the Platform Support team?
- Suspected bugs
- Reporting issues
- Data queries
- Translation issues
- Page load issues
- A stalled project
Can I still talk to my Zappi team contact (i.e., Customer Success Manager)?
- Advice and questions on available solutions
- Optimizing your platform usage
- Navigating the platform and using reporting
- Expanding our partnership
- Advanced analysis
- Configuring your platform, including new users
- Requests for consultancy
- Pricing and audience queries